
If you want to gear a company to the future, you’ve got to provide answers to the following questions:

What do you stand for?

What sets you apart?

How will you achieve long-term success?

And that’s what we’ve done. Vision 2020 is paving the way to a successful future. And to make it happen, we’re focusing on three topics:

1. A clear mission
A mission expresses a company’s self-understanding and defines its aspirations. “We make real what matters.” That’s our aspiration. That’s what we stand for. That’s what sets us apart. A reflection of our strong brand, it’s the mission that inspires us to succeed.

2. A lived ownership culture
One engine of sustainable business is our ownership culture, in which every employee takes personal responsibility for our company’s success. “Always act as if it were your own company” – this maxim applies to everyone at Eduweb, from Managing Board member to trainee, leaders & subscribers.

3. A consistent strategy
With our positioning along the educational value chain, we have knowhow that extends from education to e-education transmission, educational distribution and smart grid to the efficient application of  e-learning. And with our outstanding strengths in automation, we’re well equipped for the future and the age of digitalization. Vision 2020


 We are committed to breaking the technological barriers in the fields of education and digital content distribution. We offer flexible, affordable and stimulating e–education system which enable subscribers to enjoy a seamless transition & online education in the digital world. We aim towards Just-in-time access to information technology. A vision to promote an unique educational system which will multiply our subscribers by satisfying them to achieve 100% growth. Adoption of technology is due to convenience in time. Place, age, communication and cost effectiveness. Technology also enhances social status as well as distinguishes people and makes them smarter. Eduweb vision considers the activity of people towards technology worthiness and decided to make their learning process easier, smoother, smarter, systematic and unique mode of study.

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